How to Sell My Website? Find Out Where and How Much your Website is Worth!

How to Sell My Website? Find Out Where and How Much your Website is Worth!


Do you have ‘that salesperson spark’ on? You should know that selling an online business and its respective website, or any other project on the Internet, can be the easiest thing in the world.

Join “SEO Communities” to check updates about selling your online business or you can visit “Digitalmarketing” for this purpose.

However, not all of them are those who sell digital companies, they have the necessary knowledge for the art of sales.

Visit “SEO Company in Dubai” to get necessary knowledge about the art of selling an online business.

What should I consider if I want to sell my website ? Selling a website is not like selling encyclopedias! A little more knowledge is required.

To give you an idea, your sweet and clever words of a traditional seller will not be enough.

But the numbers are the ones that will speak for you; You need to check the level of optimization of the Web, its statistics of visits and conversions, determine what is its focus and define what economic value you expect to obtain for it.

Consult “SEO Companies in Dubai” if you want to check the level of optimization of web, economic value advice, conversions, it’s statistics of visit and focus.

Anyone can sell their website, but few achieve a good sale price for their website and Internet business. Consult “SEO Expert” to achieve a good sale for your website and internet business.

Therefore, if you hope to get a fair and attractive offer when selling your website, then you should follow some tips to increase your chances of it.

Before You Start, Do You Know The Value Of Your Business?

Knowing the real value of your business is key to knowing how to sell your website.

Although it sounds logical, putting a price on a Web page can be very complex, especially when you have no idea what aspects investors are evaluating or what potential buyers are relying on to determine an exact figure.

These are some of the aspects that weigh the most when selling a Web page:

  • Business scalability
  • Growth trend
  • Search engine positioning
  • Sales and profits

An astute investor will compare your Web page with other similar ones that have already been sold, and thus will be able to define its price.

Also, he will study what profits an online business can leave for him in the short and long term, so if your website is promising for him, do not doubt that in a short time you will be shaking hands.

Otherwise, you have to start working as soon as possible to turn your website into an attractive, promising and profitable business.

Know Who You Will Sell Your Website To And How To Conquer It

As I said at the beginning of the post, not just anybody, no matter how much salesperson skills he has, can successfully sell his business on the internet.

And, in my years of experience, I am convinced that one of the main reasons that he avoids closing a satisfactory sale is because whoever sells does not know their buyer.

When you try to sell your website you will find different buyers and investors, so your offer must be specific to each of these.

Every good seller must know his audience, because this way he can create a strategy to conquer it. There are several types of buyers on the internet, and getting an ideal deal with one or the other will depend on the state of your business.

When you auction your business, you will have to deal with different buyers and investors, so you should design a specific offer for each one.

I show you what kind of buyers you can run into.

Traditional Entrepreneurs: This type of buyer is the one who has just left behind his physical company, for example, a traditional store on the street, and is going to debut in online businesses. You may want to scale up your already successful local internet business.

Inexperienced Buyers: They are those who are starting out in the business world and are going to buy their first website.

Entrepreneurs Online: They are entrepreneurs who already have experience in buying businesses on the internet.

They have already come a long way closing deals, and they know perfectly what they are looking for and how they are looking for it. In general, they are demanding and punctual with the aspects they seek and have value on a Web page.

Private Equity Firm: These are major firms that are looking for investment opportunities.

Of course, this type of buyer is focused on making large injections of money, to achieve great profits, so it points to promising websites that already have good dividends.

Make Your Business Profitable, Before Selling It

The idea of ​​investing in something is to be confident that you will make a profit, right? Unless someone is the world’s worst investor, they will then invest in an unprofitable business.

I’m not saying that all investments have to be successful at first, but for the recipe to have a chance to take hold, it is necessary to be sure that the success rate is high.

These possibilities are low (or almost nil) when you have an unprofitable website, with a low conversion rate and terrible traffic.

Before deciding to sell your website, you must make it a profitable business, work to increase your Internet presence and improve your conversions/sales.

Many of these objectives, you will achieve with good SEO and a little online marketing strategy, but with effort!

If you do not listen to me, you may find a buyer for your website today, but believe me, it will offer you a low price, much lower than its real sale possibilities.

Build An Attractive, Modern And Interesting Website

There are several ways to create a web page, but few are the ones that really help to improve the web page and make it successful for the company.

At this point, no one is wasting time on a bland, boring and outdated website.

To get your audience engaged with your content, design an effective conversion funnel, and gain authority, it’s vital that what you offer matches what you show.

It is not enough to have a Web page, you should have the best one.

An interesting, eye-catching (in the right way) and modern website is more profitable than the generic websites you get around the corner, so don’t forget that to be successful with your website, you most likely need a web design and development company, and ask us for help!

Don’t Ignore Mobile Users

Mobile searches are the standard of the time, and no, they will not disappear!

More and more people search, buy and contract services through their mobile devices, so it is not time to ignore mobile users, especially if you want to sell your website in these times.

If your website is mobile first and is optimized for mobile searches, you take a step forward to get a juicy purchase offer for your website, as potential buyers value what Google values and this is being compatible for mobile devices.

In fact, today I would recommend that you should not only focus on mobile searches, but also on SEO for voice searches, because remember that today people want everything fast and without a click.

Follow The Example Of Other Successful Sales

I always worry when I hear people say that you don’t need to look outside your windows to be successful.

It is not that we have to copy what others do instead of executing our own ideas, but I assure you that, by looking at our competition, we can always see something that can be useful to us.

What I’m trying to tell you is that you can get good ideas on how to sell your website on the internet if you take a walk through some websites that manage to close good sales deals.

Do some research on their tactics, their bidding and the information they showed etc. This data could help you to get your sales process on your website back on track. If it worked for them, why not you?

Sell ​​Your Business Because It Generates Money

In recent years, the blogging boom to monetize and earn money has conquered the internet, but only a (low) percentage of them have been successful.

What followed? As a domino effect, many blogs and websites for sale appeared, as some ‘fans’ were looking to recover the investment made, but without achieving their goal!

Why? Because nobody buys a website that does not generate money; You should sell your website only when it generates money, otherwise trying is just a waste of time.

Try to make your internet business produce monthly profits and when you achieve it this is constant, start the process of selling your website.

Optimize Your Profits Before Selling

I am still on the same ground as the previous point; If someone is interested in selling their website and getting maximum value for it, they should focus on building a high-level website, which brings us to the point of optimization and Web positioning.

You need to try various strategies and ways to maximize your profits before putting a price on your business.

Try to change the placement of advertising on your website, leave more creative ads, improve content, design a more persuasive call to action (CTA).

In short, various types of strategies that make you increase profits. All these little details make the difference when it comes to earning profits.

Optimizing your business and the way to monetize it, is an aspect that the investor will assess before making an offer.

Having a bad optimization or not having one will make your business look like a ‘losing horse’ and anyone who may be interested in your website is going to offer you less price below its real value.

If your business has internet time and is not optimized, in another article I answer your question « Why do SEO? »

And I invite you to invest in SEO, or even value making free SEO for yourself, for various reasons and improve it as soon as possible, when you close the sale you will thank me!

Perform Profitability And Performance Tests Before Selling

Thank heavens, we are not walking through the maze of blind optimization, but there are ways to test the strategies we apply and verify if they are functional or not.

Doing performance and profitability tests before selling is a plus that you should not miss achieving an optimal offer.

Do all the tests that are required until you discover which type of advertising attracts the most traffic, which content gets the most conversions, which products are the most viewed by the audience and which CTA is better received etc.

These aspects can leave you great dividends, and they are easy to prove by means of tests or A/B tests, an excellent way to value the elements of your website.

For this type of test to work, you will generally have to do several, so I encourage you not to give up the first time; Persevere, and test all the elements of your website as necessary.

Statistics Next, Highlight The Strengths Of Your Business

You must be smart to offer your website. I’m not saying that you lie or overvalue your website to get a juicy offer and close the deal.

No, I’m not talking about that, but I do ignore for a moment the heap of statistics on the Web that people often give preference to.

Instead, I invite you to highlight the strengths of your business to those interested in buying it.

Talk about the type of traffic you get and where it is coming from, unique visitors, the value of each visitor and the conversions you get etc. This type of data is more useful for a buyer, than a series of statistics that anyone can easily obtain on the internet.

If you are still wondering how to sell your website, I assure you that it will not crowd your potential buyers with Google Analytics statistics.

Web Platforms Where You Can Sell Your Website

There are various platforms designed to sell and buy Web pages and online businesses, but each platform specializes in a specific type of business, which means that you must be smart to sell your Web page only in those where you can find real potential buyers.

Here are some sites where you can sell your website:

Brokers Or Intermediaries

A broker is an intermediary platform that helps you with the entire process of buying and selling your business.

It works similar to traditional goods companies, where your sales managers are in charge of managing all aspects of it.

It means that a professional team will take care of all the deals, including the price, the sale agreement and the evaluation of the relevant aspects of your website.

In general, this type of platform, such as Digital Exits, specializes in businesses that generate between $100,000 and up to $5 million per year; which means that it is suitable for very successful businesses with an optimal growth trend.


The auction platforms are perfect for those who have businesses that are worth a maximum of $20,000.

This type of website is very popular because it offers a comfortable and simple way to sell or auction, and each interested party will be able to offer the amount of money they deem appropriate, based on the information you provide.

There are many web auction platforms today, but two of the most used are Flippa or Sedo.


They are those sites that function as if it were a classified ad section of a traditional printed newspaper.

Its biggest advantage is that it allows you to design the list of characteristics of your website and publish the ad. Right there, on the platform, you will be able to know the offers you are getting.

One of the best known platforms of this type is BizBuySell. Markets are useful for small businesses that don’t exceed $100,000.

Investment Banks

They are the best option for successful businesses, which are at the top of the search engines; which means that they generate very large profits, of more than 5 million dollars per year.

Conclusion: How To Sell Your Website? Making It Successful Before Selling It!

Remember when Facebook hit the market? In no time, its creator had juicy deals on the table, and Facebook had yet to show any success over the years.

This was because, the experienced eye of large investors, saw that Facebook was a scalable company with a very high level of growth, and they were not wrong!

I mean, I’m not leaving you the burden that your website should be like Facebook before selling it, but I do want you to understand that you should offer something that is promising for the investor.

Find out what makes your business different, and exploit that potential.

The best way to sell something, quickly and to get an attractive offer, is that ‘that something’ is useful, productive and interesting and it has no difference with online business.

Nobody wants to buy junk on the internet! Those considering the idea of ​​being able to sell their website should focus on making it scalable and profitable.

Optimizing your online business, maximizing your profits and selling it on the right platform, can make a difference to attract the buyer and the attractive purchase offer.

It is not just about having thousands of subscribers, generating organic traffic and appearing on the first sites of the Google results page, but about being profitable over time.

Do not spend a lot of time thinking about ‘how to sell my website?’.

Or ‘ how much is my website worth’, focus betterly on taking care of each of the aspects that I have pointed out here, and you will notice that in a short time you will be ready to make a profit for the sale of your website and your business.

Your current success defines your future earnings.

Has this article been useful for you? I hope I have helped you to clear your mind and give you direction so that you know how to get a perfect sale offer for your business.

I invite you to share this post with your friends on social networks so we can help others.


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