Does A Clock In And Out App Really Help Decrease Labor Costs?

Does A Clock In And Out App Really Help Decrease Labor Costs?


Labor costs are one of the most significant expenses for most businesses. Whether it’s wages, lost productivity, excessive overtime, or mismanagement, these costs can add up and significantly impact the business’s bottom line. If you’ve been using manual timekeeping, then several issues exist that can be making your labor costs much too high. 

A clock in and out app is the better way to go. Besides the automation of the clock in process, many features can save time, productivity and decrease labor costs. Lower labor costs directly correlate to a healthier and more profitable business. 

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at some of the ways a modern clock in and out app can help decrease labor costs. 

Faster and Easier Clock In 

One of the most significant losses in terms of labor costs is all the wasted time and productivity from the manual clock in process. Manual clock ins take a considerable amount of time even during ideal circumstances, but if you don’t have multiple job clocks, employees can be dealing with long lines to clock in or out. This directly impacts their ability not only to get to work but to take necessary breaks or lunches. 

Long clock in lines can even lead to missed punches, skipped breaks, and ultimately labor law violations if the issue isn’t caught. 

A time and attendance app simplifies the entire team time tracking process, making it only a few seconds. Plus, there’s no need for physical time clocks as employees can clock in from their devices or stations all around the workplace most of the time. Having a flexible time tracking option means less wasted productivity and less chance that employees will fail to clock in or take necessary breaks. The time savings alone will have a significant impact on the business’s bottom line. 

Eliminate Time Theft 

Time theft is one of the hardest things to monitor with a manual clock in system and nearly impossible to prevent. Whether it’s intentional, with employees not clocking out when they should, clocking in for others who aren’t there or “buddy punching,” working unnecessary overtime and padding their timesheet, or just accidentally forgetting to clock out, it can make a business’s labor costs spiral out of control. 

Luckily, a clock in and out app has ways to handle all of these problems. Firstly, each employee’s clock in is unique and cannot be stolen or used by someone else. Giving each employee a unique login means that buddy punching is a thing of the past. It also logs in real-time who is working, when they clock in and out, and in some cases, what they are doing. You can even send out reminders and alerts about clocking out properly, taking breaks, and leaving at the end of their shift so that all those extra labor costs don’t add up and everyone stays in compliance. 

Control Overtime 

Overtime is exceptionally costly to businesses, especially when it is not productive. With manual timekeeping, it is challenging to know whether that overtime is necessary or just being done by employees to add more hours to their timesheet. On top of that, it is difficult to tell if the overtime is due to an issue such as staffing or training that can be addressed and solved. 

With a timesheet management app, you can see what employees are working, how many hours they have logged, and what tasks they are performing. If a manager sees evidence of overtime, they can then address the issue by sending employees home if the overtime is unnecessary, finding the reason behind the overtime, and handling the situation appropriately through better staffing, training, or reassigning personnel.

A clock in and out app can help control labor costs, but it’s crucial to find a solution that best meets your needs. Peer-to-peer review websites are a great way to determine which solutions are the most effective and which come highly recommended by previous or current customers.


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