How to start a WordPress Blog?

How to start a WordPress Blog?


So many bloggers that are running their blogs don’t like to code and even don’t know how to code? So they start creating there website on CMS, like WordPress. Yes, WordPress is a most used CMS (Content Management System). There are so many different WordPress and Windows Hosting Company that provide you WordPress Hosting at different affordable prices and offer you amazing feature.

WordPress is the most-used CMS which is used by the 41% of the websites on the internet.

So, if you are the one who is looking for how to start a WordPress Blog, then this article is for you, and in this article, we are going to discuss everything about the WordPress in the brief detail.

So, the topics that we are going to cover in this article are as follows: –

  • What is WordPress Blog?
  • What is WordPress Hosting?
  • Some Best WordPress Hosting Providers
  • Conclusion

Here, these were the topics that we are going to discuss below.

What is a WordPress Blog?

So, the very first question arises is that what is a WordPress Blog? So, WordPress Blog is a website that is designed and created using the WordPress CMS.

WordPress websites are easy to create and manage. As in the WordPress hosting, the user or admin, don’t have to write the code to create a web page.

WordPress provide users a well managed WordPress dashboard from where the users can easily manage and create their websites.

WordPress is an open-source free CMS (Content Management System) that allows users to create their website with few drag-and-drop features. It is the most used CMS on the internet.

So, if you are the user who don’t like to code and easily want to create and launch your website, then WordPress is the best option to start your blog.

What is WordPress Hosting?

Okay, when you have decided to start a WordPress website, then definitely you need a Web Hosting, and for the WordPress website, we recommend you to choose WordPress Hosting.

WordPress Hosting is a type of Web hosting that is highly and specially optimized for the WordPress websites. WordPress Hosting serves you the best performance, high speed, faster page-load & response time.

WordPress hosting is not that costly as it sounds. The prices of the WordPress hosting are mostly same as the price of the Shared Hosting. WordPress Hosting is easy to afford and use.

Here are some of the best features that we like with the WordPress hosting, are as follows: –

  • Easy-to-use
  • Affordable Prices
  • Flexible
  • More Scalable
  • Faster Performance
  • WordPress Optimized
  • SEO-Optimized
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • High Speed

So, these are some of the best features that we like with the WordPress Hosting. So, if you are thinking of to buy the WordPress hosting for your WordPress website, then we surely recommend you that and you definitely go for WordPress Hosting.

Some Best WordPress Hosting Providers

Now, the question is, what are some of those best WordPress Hosting Providers that gives you the best WordPress features and best services under it.

There are so many web hosts who provides the WordPress hosting plan at different prices, but which one of them are actually good and you should purchase them.

Related: What is Digital Marketing?

Don’t worry; we are going to tell you some of the best WordPress hosting providers here.

So, the WordPress hosts that we can recommend you for your WordPress website are: –

  • HostingRaja
  • SiteGround
  • Bluehost
  • Hostinger
  • Kinsta
  • WPX

These are some of the best WordPress Hosting providers who provide you the best WordPress hosting and services under the affordable prices.


If you are a visitor from India, then we recommend you to choose HostingRaja as your WordPress Host. HostingRaja provides you the best WordPress Hosting features and services under the best affordable prices.

At last, if you find this article helpful, then let us know with your comments below in the comments below.


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