Secrets: How to Get Funding for Your Startup?

Secrets: How to Get Funding for Your Startup?


It’s good that you have decided to leave your day job and launch your own startup. And if you are a fresh graduate and do not want to go and work for someone to make them rich, you have decided right – be your own boss and launch your own startup.

Thinking about a startup is easy, having a vision with an idea is also good, but what will you do about funding? This is a big question for many of us here. How to get good funding for your startup to get the head start you deserve? Well, that’s the reason this article is here on your screen, go through it and understand how to do things to get good funding.

The Secrets of Accessing Startup Funding

There are several secret ways you need to know like the back of your hand before you head looking for startup funding:

Understand the threshold limit

Before you approach Venture Capitalists (VCs) who are your or at least can be your potential investors, you need to understand a threshold limit of your revenue generation and achieve it. Your new company needs to attain a minimum of twenty thousand dollars in revenue per anum. Before this, most of the angle investors won’t even look into your files.

Pitch righteously

When you want to get funding from an angel investor, you need to present them with a clear and easy to interpret pitch report, probably backed by a creative presentation with factual data and term sheets. This way VCs gauge your caliber and your company’s caliber. Remember, the first impression is the last.

Be prepared

Along with your near-perfect pitch report, you should also be prepared for giving good answers spontaneously to formal questions about the company’s future, and your intentions of using money – how much, when, where, for how much time, these all are some basic questions which can be asked by your pitch reports’ analyzer.

Know your investors

When you are preparing a pitch, you need to think of it as a sales report. You need to touch the emotional points in your potential investors’ hearts. You need to research some things like what cause is the closest to their heart, what are their likes and dislikes, what do they do in their free time, etcetera. This gives you a boost in the race of getting the funding for your business.


After you create the personas of your potential investors, you need to segregate the potential investors that you think will be interested in hearing from you. Segregating investors will increase your persuasion efficiency, thus you can invest more time in pursuing each of the potential investors and transit a successful pitch into a sealed deal.

Build a dedicated base first.

To build a dedicated base, you need to first find people who are insane about your work and how you do it, then you need to give them bite-size information weekly or maybe monthly, this way a solid fandom for you will be created. A good following of your company will impress the investor in hearing your pitch report and signing a deal. Having a fan following is as special for funding as it is for sales.

What You Should Do?

Now that you have known some secret tips that can get your company that huge funding you are looking for, and you also have a dedicated fanbase, so where does the wheel rotate next? It rotates to going online. If your startup is not online, then for most of the angel investors, it is not a startup. So get your startup online, choose the best website blueprint and user experience for your website, perform high-quality SEO and choose a name for your startup with some help from a brand agency.

When you decide to go online with your startup, you need to have an attractive domain name that goes well with your startup name and sounds classy to your potential investors. Choose from many premium domain names available for sale online. Having a professional sounding domain name conveys the seriousness you have for your business and pokes them to invest in your dream project.

Bonus tips:

  • Investors are continuously looking for someone who has the caliber to transit mediocrity into success. If you have the potential, you need to show 200% of your potential to investors. Investors are always willing to aid startups, that is why they attend so many meetings and go through infinite pitch reports.
  • If by any chance you are denied funding, you need to understand that it was for a better cause, get your chin up and start working harder for next pitch report with the next investor. In the process of getting your first funding for your first startup, you will come face to face with disappointment many times. But you need not be disappointed, you need to look disappointment into its eyes and say – “I will get that next funding, and I am going to succeed. Have faith in yourself and see the magic happen.

These were some of the secrets that has the best chance of getting that startup fund you need. You need to have faith in these steps, perform them with all of your heart. Remember, entrepreneurship is jumping off a cliff and figuring out how to survive while you are headed down. Act on your instincts and get that head start you deserve.


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