The Health and Safety Regulations Your Business May Have Missed

The Health and Safety Regulations Your Business May Have Missed


There are a wide variety of health and safety guidelines in place to ensure that all UK businesses meet a reasonable standard in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974. These regulations are often covered in the workplace and it is common practice to display fire safety posters and to offer staff training when using specialist machinery.

However, there are numerous safety issues that many businesses fail to include within their risk assessment. While not all of them are applicable to each environment, it can easily occur that your site is putting staff and clients at risk without you realising. Here are some of the more niche health and safety hazards your business may have missed.


While neglecting a routine polish of the window sills will not pose too much of a danger to your employees, there are types of dust that over short and long terms, can significantly affect the respiratory system. The Health and Safety Executive labels certain dust, like “asbestos, flour, grain, silica, and wood” as being significantly harmful, noting that even other dust particles have been linked to the occurrence of health issues, including cancers of the lung and asthma.

Fire Doors

Did you know that there are numerous guidelines for the standards of your fire doors? Many companies continue to operate without ever conducting a fire door survey, which puts their business in jeopardy. The measurements and quality of a fire door can mean the difference between a few minutes and an hour of fire spread, which may potentially save lives. Often businesses are under the impression that it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure fire safety standards but this is not always the case.


When handling certain equipment, specifically those that cause vibrations against the user, there is a risk of HAVS, which is hand-arm vibration. The occurrence of HAVS can lead to various disorders, including those that affect joints and nerves. If your staff use power tools or and similar machinery, ensure they take appropriate precaution to prevent injury.

Working Alone

Many businesses are unaware of the regulations in place to protect staff members required to work alone. Depending on your business operation, staff expected to perform lone working must undergo certain training and have various safety measures in place.

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Their medical health must be considered, as well as their mental wellbeing, to ensure that they are suitable and able to work without support. Additionally, there should be a certain level of supervision, including potential methods for the lone worker to reach support should they require it.


The UK has left the European Union and, until the end of December 2020, it will be undergoing a transition period, which ensures all previous health and safety guidelines remain in place until a deal is completed. One the deal has been completed, certain health and safety laws may changes. It is a businesses responsibility to ensure that it remains compliant to the law at all times and, as we undergo a significant national change, certain adjustments should be expected.


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